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東京 : 共立出版 , 1976.7
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東京 : 共立出版 , 1976.6
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東京 : 共立出版 , 1976
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システム理論 / Zadeh & Polak編 ; 国井利泰, 森正武, 中村宏樹共訳
東京 : 共立出版 , 1976-
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Computational methods in optimization : a unified approach / E. Polak
New York : Academic Press , 1971
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Theory of optimal control and mathematical programming / Michael D. Canon, Clifton D. Cullum, Jr., Elijah Polak
New York : McGraw-Hill , c1970
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System theory / L. A. Zadeh and E. Polak
New York : McGraw-Hill , c1969
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Absolute stability of regulator systems / M.A. Aizerman and F.R. Gantmacher ; translated by E. Polak
San Francisco : Holden-Day , 1964